We want to use a whole week to recognize, celebrate and gift ALL HEROES in the coronavirus fight who sacrificed, served and did/doing all they can to help others during and after this coronavirus pandemic.

We are calling this project ALL HEROES WEEK.

Monday January 4th to Sunday January 10th, 2021 is the week we want to appeal and encourage everyone to help and join us in celebrating these brave heroes. Below are some ways we aim to achieve our goal;

  1. At 7pm local time everywhere around the world, we want to encourage applause, singing and all forms of showing appreciation to these heroes. This has been the tradition in a lot of cities and countries around the world already. We just want to amplify it and make it a global act during this specific week.
  2. We want to encourage locals to seek any hero in their communities and if possible, to gift them any kind of product, service, or any kind of value that these heroes can feel, touch and can hold dear to them. Items such as cards, gifts, crafts, freebies, merchandise, etc.
  3. On Friday the 8th of January, 2021, we will promote a vigil, lantern, kites and balloon release event around the world. This will be acts to pay homage to all the lives lost to the Coronavirus pandemic. This would be done safely from the homes of people around the world.
  4. Starting at 7pm on Saturday the 9th of January, 2021 we want the entire world to display great fireworks, light shows, etc. like it’s the New Year to show massive appreciation and recognition to these heroes.

Any other forms of appreciation and event that will show great gratitude to these heroes is highly welcomed.

We invite everyone to kindly partner with us in realizing this project.